Custom ICO token to be expanded.
Please can you add ticker symbol NPPTF stock to Delta. The stock trades as NDA.V in Canada and 1.NW in Germany.
Please can you add ticker symbol NPPTF stock to Delta. The stock trades as NDA.V in Canada and 1.NW in Germany.
Kevin Campos
Delta does a very good job tracking tradable assets in exchanges worldwide. But Delta fails to be the tool-of-reference to track the total net worth of an individual because of one reason: it does not allow to enter a "custom" asset in the platform. So, more than a custom coin, but a custom asset entirely.
About half of my wealth is spread across assets that either I don't find in Delta (non-listed pension funds and government bonds) or that are not traceable online, i.e. real state I own.
I would love to be able to enter in my portfolio a "custom" asset, keeping the current fields, transaction logic and visualizations structure. This is technically not a complex change, as it is isolated. But it would make a world of difference!
Andrew Mullins
PLEASE! i trade garbage and need to track my losses! i love delta but this is forcing me to try other apps 😅😅 (they’re all worse!!)
Jonny Taulen
Merged in a post:
Portfolio Management
Ioan Codrut Teleu
Can you please make it available to manual sell the custom crypto coins. The option in transaction is only to buy them...
James from Delta
Merged in a post:
Ability to sell custom/ico coins
Add sell transactions for custom/ico coins
Johan Fourie
Adding ability to sell or withdraw to wallet will be nice! It will also be great if the user could be given the opportunity to manually enter an updated price for the asset.
James from Delta
Merged in a post:
Custom Funds
I purchased some funds that are not available in Delta and unfortunately I cannot price track them with the app. For crypto, you can at least create a custom coin in order to register your holdings. I was thinking about using this option to add those funds I'm missing in the app, but they will always show up under the Crypto tab, which is not the case. Would it be possible to replicate this option into the Funds tab, so that we can create a "custom fund" in these instances? Thank you.
James from Delta
Merged in a post:
Create Custom Token
Mark Manson
There are many of us that have made good money on tokens that no longer exist. Or from tokens that Delta does not add to their crypto list. Therefore being able to track the gains made with those tokens is now impossible...
It would be so good to have a feature were we can enter buy and sell points of a custom token we created that will then show itself in our portfolio. In the event of DELTA not having that specific token as an option.