Monsieur Crypteau
https://ftx.com/ - homepage
https://help.ftx.com/hc/en-us - documentation
https://help.ftx.com/hc/en-us/articles/360028807171-API-docs - API documentation
Requesting an API connection with FTX, really promising (derivative) exchange. From spot to futures to options to fun games (FTX Battle Arena) and a really impressive team behind it.
Rafal Blaszkiewicz
FTX does not work for FTX.US!!
Twan Zwart
FTX has already been available as an Exchange API Connection in Delta. I’m therefore marking this request as completed.
Twan Zwart
Merged in a post:
Shevek Anandan
Can we please get FTX.us support
Rafal Blaszkiewicz
Please add FTX.US
Vincent van Gaasbeek
Hello Delta,
Despite creating a Read-only API Key for my FTX subaccount, I haven't been able to get DELTA to sync with my FTX subaccount, even though other programs (eg. Altrady, CoinStats, 3Commas) can sync this subaccount easily without any problems. Your advice is very much appreciated!
For your information, I keep getting the following message in DELTA, when trying to sync the FTX subacc. with DELTA:
“Your Sync is waiting in the queue”
I also tried the following solution (see down below) presented by DELTA support in the DELTA Telegram group, but unfortunately without success.
"Please can you press on the circular arrows next to the connection? Do not go off the app or let the phone screen lock until these have finished spinning." --> Still the FTX subaccount shows no balance and the arrows only move for a couple of seconds, before they stop. Please show me the way, in other words, How can we solve this sync issue, because it's driving me crazy! :-S
With kind regards,
Vincent van Gaasbeek
P.S. I have bought the Pro Version of DELTA.
App versie: 2021.8.3 (build 527)
Apparaat identifier: 1983381020
Ola Emmanuel
Vincent van Gaasbeek: have you found a solution I am having the same issue. waste of subscription money
Vincent van Gaasbeek
Ola Emmanuel: On the Delta website/support page, they are talking about an older version of the Delta app (with .CSV import capabilities), which you can request through mail, so I have mailed and requested it at Delta so I can at least import a .CSV file to add my FTX subaccount… unfortunately, I haven’t received a reply yet. I was also thinking that the problem with the FTX subacc. Api connection could be related to the ‘-‘ characters in the name of my subacc. FTX-Subbacount, so i might also try to create a new subacount, but then without those characters in the name, eg. ‘FtxSubaccount’ and then try to make a api connection with that one, to see if that’s the case. Lastly, there is also software available which can read (real-time) certain elements of a webpage, that you select in advance), and then automatically copy this data to a spreadsheet (and then periodically convert this spreadsheet to a .CSV file and import it in DELTA app) and by doing so, keep track of the transaction data, balance, etc. that is listed on the specific webpage (wallet, ftx subacc.) that contains that data. PS. But probably I will use CoinStats Pro or Premium to keep track of my coins for now. I had no problem using the same api of my ftx subacc. to connect and read all the data in CoinStats….
Erik Brockmann
Need to add FTX.US
Twan Zwart
Merged in a post:
Jay Hill
Please make FTX.US available now that FTX itself is a connection. Would be very helpful for US based accounts!
Twan Zwart
Merged in a post:
Rodrigo Fantozzi
Please add FTX connection!
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